Sustanaible e- Participation

PorAnônimo- Postado em 08 outubro 2010

Le nouveau numéro du eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDem), intitulé "Sustainable eParticipation", et créé en coopération avec le réseau PEP-NET, est paru.
Les textes sont en accès libre à l'adresse suivante :

Vol 2, No 2 (2010)

This issue was created in cooperation with PEP-NET, the Pan European eParticipation Network. Guest Editors: Rolf Luehrs and Francesco Molinari.

Table of Contents

Editorial Note: Sustainable E-Participation
Rolf Lührs, Francesco Molinari

Invited Papers

European eParticipation developments: from ad hoc experiences towards mass scale engagement
Mechthild Rohen, Thanassis Chrissafis

A community of fans, friends and power-users
Hille Hinsberg

Transforming Government's Policy-making Processes
Paul Johnston

Scientific Research Papers

Sustainable E-Participation through participatory experiences in education
Ursula Maier-Rabler, Stefan Huber

To “e-” or not to “e-”: Re-locating innovation in “electronic” decision-making
Ben Li

Procedures and Methods for Cross-community Online Deliberation
Cyril Velikanov

Case Studies

Pathways and Obstacles to eParticipation at the European level
Romain Badouard

E-democracy remixed: Learning from the BBC's Action Network and the shift from a static commons to a participatory multiplex
Alfred Hermida

E-Voting and the Creation of Trust for the Socially Marginalized Citizens in Brazil
Jose Rodrigues Filho